Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 22: World Goth Day... Centaur!

To commemorate World Goth Day...

Thank you Paul Faris for the amazing Gothic / Biomechanical artwork of Centaur.

World Goth Day
Art by Paul Faris

Bad move human!

Goth isn't just a style. It's a state of mind.

Old Goths dont die. They just stop wearing black all the time.

I always wondered if William Gibson was inspired by the woman on Centaur for his character Molly Millions / Rose Kolodny / Sally Shears in Neuromancer / Sprawl trilogy.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Ballyhoo on top of Capersville

One was made in Janurary 1932. The other in December 1966.
34 years!
Thats how long it took Bally to go from a crude board with nails to an electro-mechanical masterpiece of design and art.

Capersville artwork by Jerry K, Kelley, influenced by the 1965 Jean-Luc Godard film Alphaville