Friday, August 2, 2024

United Singapore design features I like

Here are some design and operator features of United Singapore that I really like.

Just to be clear. Some of the following features are standard United (UMC) bingo machine features, others are Singapore specific. United bingo machines are super rare in my part of the world, even by bingo machine standards. The only two I've ever seen in person, I also own: Singapore and a Hawaii parts machine.

So here are the features...

Zero on the 100's wheel of the replay register is blank. That way the player doesn't get digit envy.

The Dame on the right looks like Mary Astor

Playfield lighting is recessed: Looks extra classy and modern-ish from a mid century point of view.

Ball trap holes are scalloped: This gives the balls a different dynamic as they roll down the playfield while catching the edge of a hole.

1 1/16 inch balls used: Originally these balls would haven been non magnetic, but today it's convenient that standard pinball machine balls can be used as a cheaper option.


Shooter gauge is back lit: What more can I say! Bellissimo!

Sinkholes Vs. Rollovers:

Call it what you wish: sinkhole, gobble hole, trap hole, thru hole, cellar hole, etc. I like the concept of sinkholes because the player can aim for the feature boosting hole when lit and, when hit, immediately takes the ball out of play to be returned via the usual way to be played again. Compared to a rollover that, when hit, the ball continues it's trajectory to ultimately land somewhere the player might not have intended.

Knock-Off button: That's a pretty standard feature for a 1954 bingo machine, but United's button is a proper chunky metal button. Not some flimsy plastic pinhead button.

Right side access panel: The transformer, fuses and ball-lift mechanism can be easily accessed by way of a side panel. Handy!

Ball trough switches: these switches in a Bally bingo are a PITA to access when they need cleaning or adjustment, but on a United game they're easily accessed by the coin door.

Reflex unit reset button. There's a hidden button accessible via the coin door on the right side for the Coin Machine Operator to reset the reflex unit back to zero position.

Manual Light-A-Name feature step. Again, by way of the coin door, under the playfield's edge, there's a switch for the Coin Machine Operator to manually advance the Light-A-Name to the desired position.

What's your favorite United / Singapore feature?