I was playing my 1956 Bally Key West Bingo machine the other day.
Sitting in front of the machine in my basement. Drinking PBR, listening to The Smiths and contemplating the state of the world. Cheerful stuff...
Playing... Coining up the game. Chucking balls. More coins, more balls. More coins... and suddenly I was rewarded with a conjunction of lit features:
Magic squares A, B and C. Select-A-Score feature and "Press Buttons After shooting 5th Ball" via the rollover. This is my favorite feature combination on Key West and more or less the only reason I keep this game.
So all I had to do was shoot a winning combination on a red or yellow line and somehow hit the bottom left rollover and I'm golden. Doable... and I did it.
The beauty of this feature combination is that once you collected in one color (red or yellow), by pressing a button on the foot rail and select the other score option you can collect in the second color, even after the 5th ball has entered play (but before a 6th ball). A 3 in line ended up paying the princely sum of 24 credits. 16 with red and 8 with yellow. (1.20$ in nickels) woot!
Let the pictures do the rest of the explaining. It's very straightforward once you know the bingo lingo.